Sumerian Text Archive

Sumerian Texts

Sumerians, one of the oldest known Mesopotamia cultures, had a large impact on the belief systems of the Assyrians and Babylonians. Cuneiform was the written language used by the Sumerians to document their information. 

Code of Ur-Nammu is the oldest known code of law dating back to 2100 - 2500 b.c.e

Hammurabi - one of the chief rulers of Babylon 1795 - 1750 b.c.e

Sumerian 7 Tablets of Creation. Dating to 1750 b.c.e.

The Sumerian King List translated from the cuneiform written tablet. Dating to the 3000 b.c.e

The Babylonian and Sumerian Epic of Gilgamesh, the King of Uruk. Dating to 2100 b.c.e

The oldest worldwide flood or 'Great Deluge' legend from Sumerian texts. Dating to around 1850 b.c.e.