Dead Sea Scrolls

The Dead Sea Scrolls

List of Dead Sea Scrolls

Quram Cave 1

Qumran Cave | Fragment or Scroll Identifier | Alternative Identifier | Language | Fragment or Scroll Name | KJV Bible Association | Description

1 | 1QIsaa | ... | ... | Great Isaiah Scroll | Isaiah 1:1–31; 2:1–22; 3:1-5:30; 6:1–13; 7:1–25; 8:1–23; 9:1–20; 10:1–34; 11:1-45:25; 46:1-66:24 | ...

1 | 1QIsab | ... | ... | ... | The Book of Isaiah | A second copy of portions of the Book of Isaiah

1 | 1QS | ... | ... | Serekh ha-Yahad or "Community Rule" | ... | cf. 4QSa-j = 4Q255-64, 5Q11

1 | 1QpHab | ... | ... | Pesher on Habakkuk | ... | ...

1 | 1QM | ... | ... | Milhamah or War Scroll | ... | cf. 4Q491, 4Q493; 11Q14?

1 | 1QHa | ... | ... | Hodayot or Thanksgiving Hymns | ... | ...

1 | 1QapGen | ... | Aramaic | Genesis Apocryphon | Genesis 12:18-15:4 | ...

1 | CTLevi | ... | Aramaic | Cairo Geniza or Testament of Levi | ... | ...

1 | 1QGen | 1Q1 | Hebrew | ... | Genesis 1:18-21; 3:11-14; 22:13-15; 23:17-19; 24:22-24 | ...

1 | 1QExod | 1Q2 | ... | ... | Exodus 16:12-16; 19:24-20:2, 20:5-6; 20:25-21:1; 21:4-5 | ...

1 | 1QpaleoLev | 1Q3 | Palaeo-Hebrew | ... | Leviticus 11:10-11; 19:30-34; 20:20-24; 21:24-22:6; 23:4-8 and Numbers 1:48-50 | ...

1 | 1QDeuta | 1Q4 | ... | ... | Deuteronomy 1:22–25; 4:47–49; 8:18–19; 9:27–28; 11:27–30; 13:1–6, 13–14; 14:21, 24–25; 16:4, 6–7 | ...

1 | 1QDeutb | 1Q5 | ... | ... | Deuteronomy 1:9–13; 8:8–9; 9:10; 11:30–31; 17:16; 21:8–9; 24:10–16; 25:13–18; 28:44–48; 29:9–20; 30:19–20; 31:1–10, 12–13; 32:17–29; 33:12–24 | ...

1 | 1QJudg | 1Q6 | ... | ... | Judges 6:20–22; 8:1(?); 9:2–6, 28–31, 40–43, 48–49 | ...

1 | 1QSam | 1Q7 | ... | ... | Samuel 18:17–18; 2 Samuel 20:6–10; 21:16–18; 23:9–12 | ...

1 | 1QIsab | Parts of 1QIsab as 1Q8 | ... | ... | Isaiah 7:22–25; 8:1; 10:17–19; 12:3–6; 13:1–8, 16–19; 15:3–9; 16:1–2, 7–11; 19:7–17, 20–25; 20:1; 22:11–18, 24–25; 23:1–4; 24:18–23; 25:1–8; 26:1–5; 28:15–20; 29:1–8; 30:10–14, 21–26; 35:4–5; 37:8–12; 38:12–22; 39:1–8; 40:2–3; 41:3–23; 43:1–13, 23–27; 44:21–28; 45:1–13; 46:3–13; 47:1–14; 48:17–22; 49:1–15; 50:7–11; 51:1–10; 52:7–15; 53:1–12; 54:1–6; 55:2–13; 56:1–12; 57:1–4, 17–21; 58:1–14; 59:1–8, 20–21; 60:1–22; 61:1–2; 62:2–12; 63:1–19; 64:1, 6–8; 65:17–25; 66:1–24 | ...

1 | 1QEzek | Parts of 1QIsab as 1Q9 | ... | ... | Ezekiel 4:16–17; 5:1 | ...

1 | 1QPsa | 1Q10 | Hebrew | ... | Psalms 86:5–8; 92:12–14; 94:16; 95:11–96:2; 119:31–34, 43–48, 77–79 | ...

1 | 1QPsb | 1Q11 | ... | ... | Psalms 126:6; 127:1–5; 128:3 | ...

1 | 1QPsc | 1Q12 | ... | ... | Psalms 44:3–5, 7, 9, 23–25 | ...

1 | 1QPhyl | 1Q13 | ... | ... | ... | 58 fragments from a Phylactery

1 | 1QpMic | 1Q14 | ... | Pesher on Micah | ... | ...

1 | 1QpZeph | 1Q15 | ... | Pesher on Zephaniah | ... | ...

1 | 1QpPs | 1Q16 | ... | Pesher on Psalms | ... | ...

1 | 1QJuba | 1Q17 | ... | ... | Jubilees | ...

1 | 1QJubb | 1Q18 | ... | ... | Jubilees | ...

1 | 1QNoah | 1Q19 | ... | ... | ... | Parts of the lost Book of Noah

1 | 1QapGen | 1Q20 | Aramaic | Fragments of the "Genesis Apocryphon" | ... | ...

1 | 1QTLevi | ... | Aramaic | Testament of Levi | ... | ...

1 | 1QDM | 1Q22 | ... | "Dibrê Moshe" or "Words of Moses" | ... | ...

1 | 1QEnGiantsa | 1Q23 | Aramaic | Book of Giants | Enoch | ...

1 | 1QEnGiantsb | 1Q24 | Aramaic | Book of Giants | Enoch | ...

1 | 1Q25 | ... | ... | "Apocryphal Prophecy" | ... | ...

1 | 1Q26 | ... | ... | "Instruction" | ... | ...

1 | 1QMyst | 1Q27 | ... | "Mysteries" | ... | ...

1 | 1Q28 | ... | ... | Fragment from "Community Rule" | ... | ...

1 | 1QSa | 1Q28a | ... | "Rule of the Congregation" | ... | ...

1 | 1QSb | 1Q28b | ... | "Rule of the Blessing" or "Rule of the Benedictions" | ... | ...

1 | 1Q29 | ... | ... | "Liturgy of the Three Tongues of Fire" | ... | ...

1 | 1Q30 | ... | ... | "Liturgical Text 1" | ... | ...

1 | 1Q31 | ... | ... | "Liturgical Text 2" | ... | ...

1 | 1QNJ | 1Q32 cf. 11Q18 | Aramaic | "New Jerusalem" | ... | ...

1 | 1Q33 | ... | ... | Fragment of the 1QM or "War Scroll" | ... | ...

1 | 1QLitPr | 1Q34 | ... | "Liturgical Prayers" or "Festival Prayers" | ... | ...

1 | 1QHb | 1Q35 | ... | Hodayot" or "Thanksgiving Hymns" | ... | ...

1 | 1Q36-40 | ... | ... | "Hymnic Composition" | ... | ...

1 | 1Q41-70 | ... | ... | ... | ... | Unclassified Fragments

1 | 1QDana | 1Q71 | ... | ... | Daniel 1:10–17; 2:2–6 | ...

1 | 1QDanb | 1Q72 | ... | ... | Daniel 3:22–30 | ...

Quram Cave 2

Qumran Cave | Fragment or Scroll Identifier | Alternative Identifier | Language | Fragment or Scroll Name | KJV Bible Association | Description

2 | 2QGen | 2Q1 | ... | ... | Book of Genesis 19:27–28; 36:6, 35–37 | ...

2 | 2QExoda | 2Q2 | ... | ... | Exodus 1:11–14; 7:1–4; 9:27–29; 11:3–7; 12:32–41; 21:18–20(?); 26:11–13; 30:21(?), 23–25; 32:32–34 | ...

2 | 2QExodb | 2Q3 | ... | ... | Exodus 4:31; 12:26–27(?); 18:21–22; 19:9; 21:37; 22:1–2, 15–19; 27:17–19; 31:16–17; 34:10 | ...

2 | 2QExodc | 2Q4 | ... | ... | Exodus 5:3–5 | ...

2 | 2QpaleoLev | 2Q5 | palaeo-Hebrew | ... | Leviticus 11:22-29 | ...

2 | 2QNuma | 2Q6 | ... | ... | Numbers 3:38–41, 51; 4:1–3 | ...

2 | 2QNumb | 2Q7 | ... | ... | Numbers 33:47–53 | ...

2 | 2QNumc | 2Q8 | ... | ... | Numbers 7:88 | ...

2 | 2QNumd | 2Q9 | ... | ... | Numbers 18:8–9 | ...

2 | 2QDeuta | 2Q10 | ... | ... | Deuteronomy 1:7–9 | ...

2 | 2QDeutb | 2Q11 | ... | ... | Deuteronomy 17:12–15 | ...

2 | 2QDeutc | 2Q12 | ... | ... | Deuteronomy 10:8-12 | ...

2 | 2QJer | 2Q13 | ... | ... | Jeremiah 42:7–11, 14; 43:8–11; 44:1–3, 12–14; 46:27–28; 47:1–7; 48:7, 25–39, 43–45; 49:10 | ...

2 | 2QPs | 2Q14 | ... | ... | Psalms 103:2–11; 104:6–11 | ...

2 | 2QJob | 2Q15 | ... | ... | Job 33:28-30 | ...

2 | 2QRutha | 2Q16 | ... | ... | Ruth 2:13–23; 3:1–8; 4:3–4 | ...

2 | 2QRuthb | 2Q17 | ... | ... | Ruth 3:13–18 | ...

2 | 2QSir | 2Q18 | ... | "Wisdom of Sirach" or "Ecclesiasticus" | ... | ...

2 | 2QJuba | 2Q19 | ... | ... | Genesis 25:7-9; Book of Jubilees | ...

2 | 2QJubb | 2Q20 | ... | ... | The Book of Jubilees | ...

2 | 2QapMoses | 2Q21 | ... | "Apocryphon of Moses" | ... | ...

2 | 2QapDavid | 2Q22 | ... | "Apocryphon of David" | ... | ...

2 | 2QapProph | 2Q23 | ... | "Apocryphal Prophecy" | ... | ...

2 | 2QNJ | 2Q24 cf. 1Q32 ar, 11Q18 ar | Aramaic | "New Jerusalem" | ... | ...

2 | 2Q25 | ... | ... | "Juridical Text" | ... | ...

2 | 2QEnGiants | 2Q26 cf. 6Q8 | Aramaic | ... | "Book of Giants" from "Enoch" | ...

2 | 2Q27-33 | ... | ... | ... | ... | Unidentified Texts

Quram Cave 3

Qumran Cave | Fragment or Scroll Identifier | Alternative Identifier | Language | Fragment or Scroll Name | KJV Bible Association | Description

3 | 3QEzek | 3Q1 | ... | ... | Ezekiel 16:31-33 | ...

3 | 3QPs | 3Q2 | ... | ... | Psalms 2:6-7 | ...

3 | 3QLam | 3Q3 | ... | ... | Lamentations Lamentations 1:10–12; 3:53–62 | ...

3 | 3QpIsa | 3Q4 | ... | Pesher on Isaiah | ... | ...

3 | 3QJub | 3Q5 | ... | ... | Jubilees | ...

3 | 3QHymn | 3Q6 | ... | Unidentified hymn | ... | ...

3 | 3QTJudah | 3Q7 | ... | Testament of Judah | ... | cf. 4Q484, 4Q538

3 | 3Q8 | ... | ... | ... | ... | Fragment of an unidentified text

3 | 3Q9 | ... | ... | ... | ... | Possible unidentified sectarian text

3 | 3Q10-11 | ... | ... | ... | ... | Unclassified fragments

3 | 3Q12-13 | ... | Aramaic | Unclassified fragments | ... | ...

3 | 3Q14 | ... | ... | ... | ... | Unclassified fragments

3 | 3QCopper Scroll | 3Q15 | ... | The Copper Scroll | ... | ...

Quram Cave 4

Qumran Cave | Fragment or Scroll Identifier | Alternative Identifier | Language | Fragment or Scroll Name | KJV Bible Association | Description

4 | 4QGen-Exoda | 4Q1 | ... | ... | Genesis 8:20-21; Exodus 1–4; 5:3-17; 6:4-21,25; 7:5-13,15-20; 8:20-22; 9:8; 22:14; 27:38-39,42-43; 34:17-21 | ...

4 | 4QGeng | 4Q2 | ... | ... | Genesis 1:1-25; 2:14-19; 4:2-11; 5:13 | ...

4 | 4QGenb | ... | ... | ... | Genesis 1:1–27; 2:14–19; 4:2–4; 5:13 | ...

4 | 4QGenc | ... | ... | ... | Genesis 40-41 | ...

4 | 4QGend | 4Q4 | ... | ... | Genesis 1:18-27 | ...

4 | 4QGene | ... | ... | ... | Genesis 36–37; 40–43; 49 | ...

4 | 4QGenf | ... | ... | ... | Genesis 48:1–11 | ...

4 | 4QGeng | 4Q7 | ... | ... | Genesis 1:1-11,13-22; 2:6-7 | ...

4 | 4QGenh | 4Q8 | ... | ... | Genesis 1:8-10; 2:17-18; 12:4–5 | ...

4 | 4QGenj | ... | ... | ... | Genesis 41–43; 45 | ...

4 | 4QGenk | 4Q10 | ... | ... | Genesis 1:9,14-16,27-28; 2:1-3; 3:1-2 | ...

4 | 4QExodl | 4Q11 | ... | ... | Genesis 50:26; Exodus 1:1–5; 2:10,22–25; 3:1–4,17–21; 8:13–15, 19–21; 9:25–29, 33–35; 10:1–5; 11:4–10; 12:1–11, 42–46; 14:15–24; 16:2–7, 13–14,18–20,23–25,26–31,33–35; 17:1–3,5–11; 18:17–24; 19:24–25; 20:1–2; 22:23–24; 23:5–16; 25:7–20; 26:29–37; 27:1, 6–14; 28:33–35,40–42; 36:34–36 | ...

4 | 4QpaleoGenm | 4Q12 | ... | ... | Genesis 26:21-28 Exodus 6:25–30; 7:1–19,29; 8:1,5,12–26; 9:5–16,19–21,35; 10:1–12,19–28; 11:8–10; 12:1–2,6–8,13–15,17–22,31–32,34–39; 13:3–7,12–13; 14:3–5,8–9,25–26; 15:23–27; 16:1,4–5,7–8,31–35; 17:1–16; 18:1–27; 19:1,7–17,23–25; 20:1,18–19; 21:5–6, 13–14,22–32; 22:3–4,6–7,11–13,16–30; 23:15–16,19–31; 24:1–4,6–11; 25:11–12,20–29,31–34; 26:8,15,21–30; 27:1–3,9–14,18–19; 28:3–4,8–12,22–24,26–28,30–43; 29:1–5,20,22–25,31–41; 30:10,12–18,29–31,34–38; 31:1–8,13–15; 32:2–19,25–30; 33:12–23; 34:1–3,10–13,15–18,20–24,27–28; 35:1; 36:21–24; 37:9–16 | ...

4 | 4QGen-Exodc | ... | 4Q14 | ... | Exodus 7:17-8:1,5-14,16-18; 8:22; 9:11,15-20,22-25,27-35; 10:1-5,7-9,12-19,23-24 | ...

4 | 4QInstructionb | 4Q416 | ... | ... | Genesis 2:24 | ...

4 | 4QExodb | 4Q19 | ... | ... | Exodus 1:1–5; 6:3-6 | ...

4 | 4QExodc | ... | ... | ... | Exodus 15:16–18 | ...

4 | 4QExodd | ... | ... | ... | Exodus 13:15–16 | ...

4 | 4QExode | ... | ... | ... | Exodus 13:3–5,15–16 | ...

4 | 4QExodf | ... | ... | ... | Exodus 40:8–27 | ...

4 | 4QExodg | ... | ... | ... | Exodus 14:21–27; | ...

4 | 4QExodh | ... | ... | ... | Exodus 6:4–5; | ...

4 | 4QExodj | 4Q20 | ... | ... | Exodus 7:29-8:1 | ...

4 | 4QExodk | ... | ... | ... | Exodus 26:8–9 | ...

4 | 4QpaleoExodm | 4Q22 | ... | ... | Exodus 6:25-7:19,29-8:1,12-22; 9:5-16,19-21,35-10:12,19-28 | ...

4 | 4QLevNuma | ... | ... | ... | Leviticus 15:20–23; 16:22–28; 27:10–12; | ...

4 | 4QLevNumb | ... | ... | ... | Leviticus 1:11–17; 2:1–2, 5–8; 22:9–33; 23:2–8,11–14,16–22; 24:3–23; 25:28–29,45–49; | ...

4 | 4QLevNumc | ... | ... | ... | Leviticus 4:13–14; | ...

4 | 4QLevNumd | ... | ... | ... | Leviticus 14:26–30, 33–37; 15:20–24; 17:1–12 | ...

4 | 4QtgLev | ... | ... | ... | Leviticus 16:12–15,18–21 | ...

4 | 4QgkLeva | ... | ... | ... | Leviticus 26:2–16 | ...

4 | 4QpapgkLevb | ... | ... | ... | Leviticus 1:11; 2:3–5,7–8; 3:4,7,9–14; 4:4,6–8,10–11,18–19,26–28,30; 5:6,8–10,16–19; 6:1–5; | ...

4 | 4QNumLeva | ... | ... | ... | Leviticus 1:36–40; 2:31–32; 3:5–8, 10–18; 4:2–3, 5–11, 40–44, 47; 5:3–4; 8:7–12; 9:3–10, 19–20; 12:4–11; 13:18; | ...

4 | 4QNumb | ... | ... | ... | Leviticus 11:31–35; 12:1–6,8–11; 13:7,10–13,15–24; 15:41–16:11; 17:12–17; 18:25–19:6; 20:12–13,16–17,19–29; 21:1–2,12–13; 22:5–21,31–34,37–38,41–23:4,6,13–15,21–22,27–24:10; 25:4–8,16–18; 26:1–5,7–10,12,14–34,62–27:5,7–8,10,18–19,21–23; 28:13–17,28,30–31; 29:10–13,16–18,26–30; 30:1–3,5–9,15–16; 31:2–6,21–25,30–33,35–36,38,43–44,46–32:1,7–10,13–17,19,23–30,35,37–39,41; 33:1–4,23,25,28,31,45,47–48,50–52; 34:4–9,19–21,23; 35:3–5,12,14–15,18–25,27–28, 33–36:2,4–7 | ...

4 | 4QgkNumb | ... | ... | ... | Numbers 3:40–42; 4:6–9,11–14 | ...

4 | 4QDeuta | ... | ... | ... | Deuteronomy 23:26; 24:1–8 | ...

4 | 4QDeutb | ... | ... | ... | Deuteronomy 29:24–27; 30:3–14; 31:9–17,24–32:3 | ...

4 | 4QDeutc | ... | ... | ... | Deuteronomy 3:25–26; 4:13–17,31–32; 7:3–4; 8:1–5; 9:11–12, 17–19,29; 10:1–2,5–8; 11:2–4,9–13,18–19; 12:18–19,26,30–31; 13:5–7,11–12,16; 15:1–5,15–19; 16:2–3,5–11,20–17:7,15–18:1; 26:19; 27:1–2,24–26; 28:1–14,18–20,22–25,29–30,48–50,61; 29:17–19; 31:16–19; 33:3 | ...

4 | 4QDeutd | ... | ... | ... | Deuteronomy 2:26–33; 3:14–29; 4:1 | ...

4 | 4QDeute | ... | ... | ... | Deuteronomy 3:24; 7:12–16,21–26; 8:1–16 | ...

4 | 4QDeutf | ... | ... | ... | Deuteronomy 4:23–27; 7:21–26; 8:2–14; 9:6–7; 17:17–18; 18:6–10,18–22; 19:17–21; 20:1–6; 21:4–12; 22:12–19; 23:21–26; 24:2–7; 25:3–9; 26:18–27:10 | ...

4 | 4QDeutg | ... | ... | ... | Deuteronomy 9:12–14; 23:18–20; 24:16–20; 25:1–5,14–19; 26:2–5; 28:21–24,27–29 | ...

4 | 4QDeuth | ... | ... | ... | Deuteronomy 1:1–17,22–23,29–41,43–2:5,28–30; 19:21; 31:9–10; 33:9–11 | ...

4 | 4QDeuti | ... | ... | ... | Deuteronomy 20:9–13; 21:23; 22:1–9; 23:6–17, 22–26; 24:1 | ...

4 | 4QDeutj | ... | ... | ... | Exodus 12:43–51; 13:1–5 Deuteronomy 5:1–11, 13–15, 21–33; 6:1–3; 8:5–10; 11:6–10, 12–13; 32:7–8 | ...

4 | 4QDeutk1, k2 | ... | ... | ... | Deuteronomy 5:28–31; 11:6–13; 32:17–18,22–23,25–27; | ...

4 | 4QDeutl | ... | ... | ... | Deuteronomy 10:12,14; 28:67–68; 29:2–5; 31:12; 33:1–2; 34:4–6,8 | ...

4 | 4QDeutm | ... | ... | ... | Deuteronomy 3:18–21; 4:32–33; 7:19–22 | ...

4 | 4QDeutn | ... | ... | All Souls Deuteronomy | Deuteronomy 5:1–33; 6:1; 8:5–10 | ...

4 | 4QDeuto | ... | ... | ... | Deuteronomy 4:31–34; 5:1–3, 8–9; 28:15–18, 33–35, 47–49, 51–52, 58–62; 29:22–25; | ...

4 | 4QDeutp | ... | ... | ... | Deuteronomy 6:4–6,8–10 | ...

4 | 4QDeutq | ... | ... | ... | Deuteronomy 32:37–43 | ...

4 | 4QpaleoDeutr | ... | ... | ... | Deuteronomy 1:8; 7:2–7, 16–25; 11:28,30–32; 12:1–5,11–12,22; 13:19; 14:1–4,19–22,26–29; 15:5–6,8–10; 19:2–3; 22:3–7,12–15; 28:15–18,20; 31:29; 32:6–8,10–11,13–14,33–35; 33:2–8,29; 34:1 | ...

4 | 4QpaleoDeuts | ... | ... | ... | Deuteronomy 26:14–15 | ...

4 | 4QgkDeut | ... | ... | ... | Deuteronomy 11:4 | ...

4 | 4QJosha | ... | ... | ... | Joshua 6:5–10; 7:12–15; 8:3–5, 7–9; 10:3–11; | ...

4 | 4QJoshb | ... | ... | ... | Joshua 2:11–12; 3:15–16; 4:1–3; 17:11–15 | ...

4 | 4QJudga | ... | ... | ... | Judges 6:2–6, 11–13 | ...

4 | 4QJudgb | ... | ... | ... | Judges 19:5–7; 21:12–25 | ...

4 | 4QRutha | ... | ... | ... | Ruth | ...

4 | 4QRuthb | ... | ... | ... | Ruth 1:1–2,12–15 | ...

4 | 4QSama | ... | ... | ... | 1 Samuel 1:2–28; 2:1–6,8–11,13–36; 3:1–4,18–20; 4:9–12; 5:8–12; 6:1–7,12–13,16–18,20–21; 7:1; 8:9–20; 9:6–8,11–12,16–24; 10:3–18,25–27; 11:1,7–12; 12:7–8,14–19; 14:24–25,28–34,47–51; 15:24–32; 17:3–6; 24:4–5,8–9,14–23; 25:3–12,20–21,25–26,39–40; 26:10–12,21–23; 27:8–12; 28:1–2,22–25; 30:28–30; 31:2–4; 2 Samuel 2:5–16,25–27,29–32; 3:1–8,23–39; 4:1–4,9–12; 5:1–3,6-16; 6:2–9,12–18; 7:23–29; 8:2–8; 10:4–7,18–19; 11:2–12,16–20; 12:4–5,8–9,13–20,30–31; 13:1–6,13–34,36–39; 14:1–3,18–19; 15:1–6,27–31; 16:1–2,11–13,17–18,21–23; 18:2–7,9–11; 19:7–12; 20:2–3,9–14,23–26; 21:1–2,4–6,15–17; 22:30–51; 23:1–6; 24:16–20 | ...

4 | 4QSamb | ... | ... | ... | 1 Samuel 16:1–11; 19:10–17; 20:27–42; 21:1–10; 23:9–17 | ...

4 | 4QSamc | ... | ... | ... | 1 Samuel 25:30–32; 2 Samuel 14:7–33; 15:1–15 | ...

4 | 4QKgs | ... | ... | ... | 1 Kings 7:31–41; 8:1–9,16–18 | ...

4 | 4QChr | ... | ... | ... | 2 Chronicles 28:27; 29:1–3 | ...

4 | 4QEzra | ... | ... | ... | Ezra 4:2–6,9–11; 5:17; 6:1–5 | ...

4 | 4QJoba | ... | ... | ... | Job 36 | ...

4 | 4QJobb | ... | ... | ... | Job 13:4–5 | ...

4 | 4QpaleoJobc | ... | ... | ... | Job 13:18–20, 23–27; 14:13–18 | ...

4 | 4QtgJob | ... | ... | ... | Job 3:5–9; 4:16–21; 5:1–4 | ...

4 | 4QPsa | ... | ... | ... | Psalms 5:9–13; 6:1–4; 25:15; 31:24–25; 33:1–12; 35:2,14–20,26–28; 36:1–9; 38:2–12,16–23; 47:2; 53:4–7; 54:1–6; 56:4; 62:13; 63:2–4; 66:16–20; 67:1–7; 69:1–19; 71:1–14; | ...

4 | 4QPsb | ... | ... | ... | Psalms 91:5–8,12–15; 92:4–8,13–15; 93:5; 94:1–4,8–14,17–18,21–22; 96:2; 98:4; 99:5–6; 100:1–2; 102:5,10–29; 103:1–6,9–14,20–21; 112:4–5; 113:1; 115:2–3; 116:17–19; 118:1–3,6–11,18–20,23–26,29 | ...

4 | 4QPsc | ... | ... | ... | Psalms 16:7–9; 18:3–14,16–18,33–41; 27:12–14; 28:1–2,4; 35:27–28; 37:18–19; 45:8–11; 49:1–17; 50:14–23; 51:1–5; 52:6–11; 53:1 | ...

4 | 4QPsd | ... | ... | ... | Psalms 146:10; 147:1–3,13–17,20; 104:1–5,8–11,14–15,22–25,33–35 | ...

4 | 4QPse | ... | ... | ... | Psalms 76:10–12; 77:1; 78:6–7,31–33; 81:2–3; 86:10–11; 88:1–4; 89:44–46,50–53; 104:1–3,20–21; 105:22–24,36–45; 109:13; 115:15–18; 116:1–3; 120:6; 125:2–5; 126:1–5; 129:8; 130:1–3 | ...

4 | 4QPsf | ... | ... | ... | Psalms 22:14–17; 107:2–4,8–11,13–15,18–19,22–30,35; 109:4–6, 25–28; Apostrophe to Zion; Apostrophe to Judah; Eschatological Hymn | ...

4 | 4QPsg | ... | ... | ... | Psalms 119:37–43,44–46,49–50,73,81–83,90 | ...

4 | 4QPsh | ... | ... | ... | Psalms 119:10–21 | ...

4 | 4QPsj | ... | ... | ... | Psalms 48:1–7; 49:6,9–12,15,17 | ...

4 | 4QPsk | ... | ... | ... | Psalms 26:7–12; 27:1; 30:9–13; 135:7–16; | ...

4 | 4QPsl | ... | ... | ... | Psalms 104:3–5,11–12 | ...

4 | 4QPsm | ... | ... | ... | Psalms 93:3–5; 95:3–6; 97:6–9; 98:4–8 | ...

4 | 4QPsn | ... | ... | ... | Psalms 135:6–8,11–12; 136:23 | ...

4 | 4QPso | ... | ... | ... | Psalms 114:7–8; 115:1–4; 116:5–10 | ...

4 | 4QPsp | ... | ... | ... | Psalms 143:6–8 | ...

4 | 4QPsq | ... | ... | ... | Psalms 31:25 33:1–18; 35:4–20 | ...

4 | 4QPsr | ... | ... | ... | Psalms 26:7–12; 27:1; 30:9–13 | ...

4 | 4QPss | ... | ... | ... | Psalms 5:8–13; 6:1 | ...

4 | 4QPs frg 1 | ... | ... | ... | Psalms 42:5 | ...

4 | 4QPs frg 2 | ... | ... | ... | Psalms 88:12 | ...

4 | 4QPs frg 3 | ... | ... | ... | Psalms 99:1 | ...

4 | 4QPs89 | ... | ... | ... | Psalms 89:20–22,26–28,31 | ...

4 | 4QProva | ... | ... | ... | Proverbs 1:27–33; 2:1; chs. 14-15 | ...

4 | 4QProvb | ... | ... | ... | Proverbs 14:31–35; 15:1–5,7–8,20–31 | ...

4 | 4QQoha | ... | ... | ... | Ecclesiastes 5:13–17; 6:1,3–8,12; 7:1–10,19–20 | ...

4 | 4QQohb | ... | ... | ... | Ecclesiastes 1:10–15 | ...

4 | 4QCanta | ... | ... | ... | Song of Songs 3:7–11; 4:1–7 | ...

4 | 4QCantb | ... | ... | ... | Song of Songs 2:9–17; 3:1–2; 4:1–11, 14–5:1 | ...

4 | 4QCantc | ... | ... | ... | Song of Songs 3:7–8 | ...

4 | 4QIsaa | ... | ... | ... | Isaiah 1:1–3; 2:7–10; 4:5–6; 6:4–7; 11:12–15; 12:4–6; 13:4–6; 17:9–14; 19:9–14; 20:1–6; 21:1–2,4–16; 22:13–25; 23:1–12 | ...

4 | 4QIsab | ... | ... | ... | Isaiah 1:1–6; 2:3–16; 3:14–22; 5:15–28; 9:10–11; 11:7–9; 12:2; 13:3–18; 17:8–14; 18:1,5–7; 19:1–25; 20:1–4; 21:11–14; 22:24–25; 24:2; 26:1–5,7–19; 35:9–10; 36:1–2; 37:2932; 39:1–8; 40:1–4,22–26; 41:8–11; 43:12–15; 44:19–28; 45:20–25; 46:1–3; 49:21–23; 51:14–16; 52:2,7; 53:11–12; 61:1–3; 64:5–11; 65:1; 66:24 | ...

4 | 4QIsac | ... | ... | ... | Isaiah 9:3–12; 10:23–32; 11:4–11,15–16; 12:1; 14:1–5,13; 22:10–14; 23:8–18; 24:1–15,19–23; 25:1–2,8–12; 30:8–17; 33:2–8,16–23; 45:1–4,6–13; 48:10–13,17–19; 50:7–11; 51:1–16; 52:10–15; 53:1–3,6–8; 54:3–17; 55:1–6; 66:20–24 | ...

4 | 4QIsad | ... | ... | ... | Isaiah 46:10–13; 47:1–6,8–9; 48:8–22; 49:1–15; 52:4–7; 53:8–12; 54:1–11; 57:9–21; 58:1–3,5–7 | ...

4 | 4QIsae | ... | ... | ... | Isaiah | ...

4 | 4QIsaf | ... | ... | ... | Isaiah | ...

4 | 4QIsag | ... | ... | ... | Isaiah | ...

4 | 4QIsah | ... | ... | ... | Isaiah | ...

4 | 4QIsai | ... | ... | ... | Isaiah | ...

4 | 4QIsaj | ... | ... | ... | Isaiah | ...

4 | 4QIsak | ... | ... | ... | Isaiah | ...

4 | 4QIsal | ... | ... | ... | Isaiah | ...

4 | 4QIsam | ... | ... | ... | Isaiah | ...

4 | 4QIsan | ... | ... | ... | Isaiah | ...

4 | 4QIsao | ... | ... | ... | Isaiah | ...

4 | 4QIsap | ... | ... | ... | Isaiah | ...

4 | 4QIsaq | ... | ... | ... | Isaiah | ...

4 | 4QIsar | ... | ... | ... | Isaiah | ...

4 | 4QIsas | ... | ... | ... | Isaiah | ...

4 | 4QIsat | ... | ... | ... | Isaiah | ...

4 | ... | 4Q158 | ... | ... | Genesis 32:25-32 | ...

4 | 4QCommentary on Gen A | 4Q252 | ... | ... | Genesis 7:11; 8:5,13; 9:24; 22:10 | ...

4 | 4QCommentary on Gen C | 4Q254 | ... | ... | Genesis 9:24-25 | ...

4 | 4QCommentary on Gen D | 4Q254a | ... | ... | Genesis 6:15 | ...

4 | ... | 4Q364 | ... | ... | Genesis 25:18-21; 26:7-8; 28:6; 29:32-33; 30:8-14,26-36; 31:47-53; 32:18-20,26-30; 34:2 | ...

4 | ... | 4Q365 | ... | ... | Exodus 8:13-19; 9:9-12; 10:19-20; 21:9-10 | ...

4 | ... | 4Q483 | ... | ... | Genesis 1:28-29 | ...

4 | ... | 4Q576 | ... | ... | Genesis 34:7-10 | ...

Quram Cave 5

Qumran Cave | Fragment or Scroll Identifier | Alternative Identifier | Language | Fragment or Scroll Name | KJV Bible Association | Description

5 | Qumran Cave 5 | ... | ... | ... | ... | ...

Quram Cave 6

Qumran Cave | Fragment or Scroll Identifier | Alternative Identifier | Language | Fragment or Scroll Name | KJV Bible Association | Description

6 | Qumran Cave 6 | 6Q1 | ... | ... | Genesis 6:13-21 | ...

Quram Cave 7

Qumran Cave | Fragment or Scroll Identifier | Alternative Identifier | Language | Fragment or Scroll Name | KJV Bible Association | Description

7 | Qumran Cave 7 | ... | ... | ... | ... | ...

Quram Cave 8

Qumran Cave | Fragment or Scroll Identifier | Alternative Identifier | Language | Fragment or Scroll Name | KJV Bible Association | Description

8 | Qumran Cave 8 | ... | ... | ... | Genesis 17:12-19; 18:20-25 | ...

Wadi Murabba'at Cave

Qumran Cave | Fragment or Scroll Identifier | Alternative Identifier | Language | Fragment or Scroll Name | KJV Bible Association | Description

WM | Wadi Murabba'at Cave 1 | ... | ... | ... | ... | ...

Mur Gen Cave

Cave | Fragment or Scroll Identifier | Alternative Identifier | Language | Fragment or Scroll Name | KJV Bible Association | Description

MG | Mur Gen | ... | ... | ... | Genesis 32:4-5,30,33-33:1; 34:5-7,30-35:1,4-7 | ...

Mur Exod Cave

Cave | Fragment or Scroll Identifier | Alternative Identifier | Language | Fragment or Scroll Name | KJV Bible Association | Description

ME | Mur Exod | ... | ... | ... | Exodus 6:5-11 | ...